Sunday, May 15, 2011

Springtime in Oregon

This weekend was very, very good. 

On Saturday we went on a hike in the Columbia Gorge with other alumni from our college.* We drove to the Gorge with a couple who graduated in the early 70's. They met at our college and have been married ever since. They lived in the Twin Cities for 12 years, then in Wisconsin, and just moved out to Oregon to be nearer their daughter and grandchildren. Seeing how happy and healthy and awesome they were made D$ and I feel a little squishy and giddy inside and very much in luuuuv. 

Also, don't we live in a fucking gorgeous place? These photos were taken about about 30 minutes from my doorstep (well, 30 minutes plus the hours to hike around). All photos by D$, who gets shutter happy around any form of nature (including small "wild" animals). 

**D$, emailing me to ask if we could go on the hike: "Can we do this? I want to go chasing waterfalls." Yes, he was referencing the TLC song


  1. Carleton? Are you a Carl? Please say yes.

  2. @Kathryn: Nope! Sorry to disappoint...

  3. Gorges* (a play on gorgeous?) Hee hee - I kill myself.

  4. I always forget how close we live until I see something like this and think "hey, I was there last week." :) Beautiful photos. Beautiful weekend.

  5. I love old people who are awesome. It makes me happy to consider the next many decades.

    (...please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to... Oh yeah!)

  6. Amazing pictures. My fiance is set on moving to Portland, though neither of us has been there before--he just figures it would be awesome.

  7. lady, you are making me want to move, showing off all of the bgeautiful nature that surrounds you.

  8. GAH! This makes me so excited to visit in June!!
