Wednesday, September 30, 2009

F-ing A!

Just noticed that I am the one-and-only link on Meg's new section "Reclaiming the Word Wife" on A Practical Wedding!

This makes me very very happy and very very nervous. Because people might actually come here now.

Guess I gotsta step up my game.

If you've found your way over from A Practical Wedding, welcome! Let's be internet friends, yes?


  1. I did find my way over here via A Practical have already made me laugh. I am a new wife, too...

  2. eLiZaBeTh:
    Welcome welcome! That makes me very happy.

  3. Yup - I came that way too and will be swinging by regularly!

    Crafty McCraftison

  4. i found you too through meg. i got sucked in with your first couple of posts and find myself working my way back. i'm a newly married also. loving the negotiation posts.
